Schlagwort-Archive: Disability Studies

Call for open access papers on ‚Disability Equality: in theory and practice‘

Social Inclusion, Volume 6, Issue 1 (special issue)

Title: Disability Equality: In Theory and Practice

Editor: Mark Priestley (University of Leeds, UK)

Deadline for Abstracts: 1 April 2017
Submission of Full Papers: 15 to 30 September 2017
Publication of the Issue: February/March 2018

Information: The focus of this thematic issue is on ‘disability equality’—as a multi-dimensional theoretical construct, as a tool for rights-based advocacy and as a framework for monitoring evidence of social inclusion.

Much has been written about the historic shift that has taken place in thinking about disability as a social issue over recent decades. The influence of ‘social model’ approaches has been immense in this respect, providing the analytical lens through which disability is now more often viewed as institutional discrimination and oppression than as individual deficit or personal tragedy. This transformation was inspired both by a critique of disabling barriers and by a vision of a more equal and inclusive society— a vision for ‘full participation and equality’.

The rights-based advocacy of disabled people’s movements has both inspired this way of thinking and given it focus through substantive claims to political and social equality. In the decade since implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) the expectation that such claims exist ‘on an equal basis with others’ has been consolidated. At the same time, the evidence base has grown with an increase in equality monitoring of policies and outcomes for disabled persons.

Theorising within disability studies has continued to explore what disability, disablement or ableism means, and the multitude of ways in which it is experienced, but there is a need to reflect also on what ‘full participation and equality’ really means. How should we understand the concept of ‘disability equality’, how useful is it and how can it be assessed or measured? Ten years on from the CRPD what progress has been made towards disability equality, what remains to be done and how should we approach the task?

This issue is based on an open call for papers with an interdisciplinary scope to consider disability equality as, for example, equal recognition, equal treatment, equal access to resources and environments, or equality of outcomes. Both theoretical and empirical contributions are relevant to addressing this in local, national or international contexts.

CfP International Interdisciplinary Symposium on “Families, Rights and Disability” University of Innsbruck, Austria 23–24 June 2017

On the basis of a longstanding cooperation between the University of Innsbruck and the University of New Orleans we are organizing another conference on the topic of disability. In 2017, the Symposium“Families, Rights and Disability”will take place supported by the Center Austria and the Center New Orleans. During this international, interdisciplinary symposium, we will discuss family research and the social understanding of disability, following the paradigm shift that took place with the ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

The family is often considered an anthropological constant. However, empirical research shows that the traditional nuclear family (mother, father, children) within Western societies is but one of many possible forms. Also, its trajectories, its intergenerational relations and the experiences of its members vary greatly with the social, cultural, political, and technological situations in which families find themselves. Weiterlesen

LVA „Disability Pride & Kognitiver Ungehorsam im Spannungsfeld von Kunst und Kontrollgesellschaft“ an der Linzer Kunstuni

Die Linzer Kunstuni bietet im SoSe 2016 eine LVA zum Thema „Disability Pride & Kognitiver Ungehorsam im Spannungsfeld von Kunst und Kontrollgesellschaft“ (LVA-Leiterin: Nina Stuhldreher). Die LV ist für alle Studienrichtungen und Interessierte offen!

Termine: Do, 10.03.2016, 14-16:30 Uhr (Einführungsveranstaltung); Fr, 15.04.2016, 12-18:00 Uhr; Do, 12.05.2016, 12-18:00 Uhr; Fr, 03.06.2016, 12-18:00 Uhr; Fr, 17.06.2016, 12-18:00 Uhr Weiterlesen

Conference: Inclusion, Participation and Human Rights in Disability Research Comparisons and Exchanges (July 2016)

5th Annual Conference: Inclusion, Participation and Human Rights in Disability Research Comparisons and Exchanges in Stockholm – Sweden, 30 June – 1 July 2016

The conference is organised in the context of the annual meeting of Alter – European Society for Disability Research. Its goal is to offer a European and international multidisciplinary view of disability research, across its whole spectrum, addressing sociohistorical and political dimensions as well as the subjective experiences of the actors concerned (disabled persons themselves and those close to them, professionals of the field and other social and political actors). Considering disability as a category of analysis is also likely to shed light on the modes of organisation of contemporary societies.


cfp Lancaster Disability Studies conference (Sept 2016)

Lancaster University’s Centre for Disability Research is delighted to announce our 8th Disability Studies conference will take place 6th-8th September 2016.

The conference has a rich history of bringing together international researchers, practitioners, policy makers and activists from around the world, to share and debate research, ideas and developments in disability studies.
Call for papers are now open, the deadline for submissions is 31st March 2016 and you can find out more here: Weiterlesen

Disability Studies in Österreich. Ein Nachbericht zur Ringlehrveranstaltung in Linz

Am 29. und 30. Mai ging die von der Johannes Kepler Universität und der Universität Salzburg organisierte Ringlehrveranstaltung zu Disability Studies in die zweite Runde. Zentrale Themen der forschungsorientierten Lehreveranstaltung waren Repräsentation sowie Kunst und kulturelle Formen. Es gab ein reges Interesse, zeitweise hörten in der Linzer Tabakfabrik über 120 Menschen zu.


Rückblick und Vorschau: Offene Ringlehrveranstaltung Disability Studies

Am 8. und 9. Mai 2015 war es endlich so weit: Die offene Ringlehrveranstaltung zu Disability Studies in Österreich startete im Salzburger Unipark Nonntal. Ca. 100 Studierende, ForscherInnen, PraktikerInnen und Selbstbetroffene haben teilgenommen. Die Ringlehrveranstaltung wird von den Universitäten Linz und Salzburg in Kooperation mit der Vernetzungsplattform Disability Studies Austria (DiStA) und dem Performanceprojekt SWAYING organisiert.


DiStA Vernetzungstreffen 2015

Im Zuge der offenen Ringlehrveranstaltung Disability Studies in Österreich findet im Anschluss an die Vorträge am Fr. 29. Mai 2015 ab 17.15 h das DiStA-Vernetzungstreffen 2015 statt.
Ort: Tabakfabrik Linz, Raum Etage Lumiere
Wir bitte um Anmeldung per Mail an oder telefonisch unter 0732 2468 7154.
Geplante Agenda:
1. Versuch der Ab- und Eingrenzung von Disability Studies in Österreich
2. Geplante RingLVAs (Uni SBG und Uni Graz) und neue Projekte
3. Offene Runde: Beiträge der Teilnehmer_innen
4. Allfälliges
Wir freuen uns auf Ihr Kommen. Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Ursula Naue, Volker Schönwiese, Christine Steger, Angela Wegscheider

ps. falls Sie noch kein Mitglieder der Mailinglist von DiStA sind, können Sie sich unter diesem Link einschreiben: Über diese Mailingliste werden aktuelle  Informationen zu Disability Studies in Österreich versendet.

Ringvorlesung zu Disability Studies im Sommersemester 2015

Die Johannes Kepler Universität Linz und die Universität Salzburg organisieren im Sommersemester 2015 eine frei zugängliche Ringlehrveranstaltung zu Disability Studies in Österreich. Die als offene Ringlehrveranstaltung geplante Vortragsreihe richtet sich an Studierende, Forscher_innen, Praktiker_innen und interessierte Menschen mit und ohne Behinderungen.

In verschiedenen Vorträgen wird gezeigt, wer in Österreich zu welchen Themen in Bezug auf Behinderung arbeitet – und zwar aus einer Disability Studies-Perspektive.

Termine: 8./9. Mai 2015 in Salzburg und 29./30. Mai 2015 in Linz. Die Angabe der Zeit und des Ortes der Vorträge folgt.

Die Vortragsräume sind barrierefrei zugänglich. Die Vorträge werden durch GebärdendolmetscherInnen übersetzt.

Für mehr Informationen:


Institut für Gesellschafts- und Sozialpolitik an der Johannes Kepler Universität Linz (JKU)Telefon: +43 732 2468 7166,,



Disability Studies International Conference 2013

Der Link zu einer internationalen DS Konferenz mit breitem Themenansatz:

Disability Studies International Conference
‘The art of belonging’
October 31 – November 2, 2013
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
