Disability Studies and Participation in Higher Education: Interdisciplinary International Symposium

27 – 29 June 2019

University of Innsbruck (Austria)
Institute for Educational Science, Working Group on Disability Studies & Inclusive Education

Keynote Speakers:

Dr Jos Boys, University College London, UK
Prof Sheila Riddell, University of Edinburgh, UK
Dr Petra Anders, Institute for Empirical Sociology Nuremberg, DE
Dr Robert Stodden, University of Hawaii, US
Prof James Martin, University of Oklahoma, US
Prof Justin Powell, University of Luxembourg, LU

How inclusive have higher education institutions become over the last decades and in different parts of the world? What impact had these developments on the participation of persons with disabilities in higher education? How are inclusive learning spaces for people with disabilities and social disadvantages created in higher education?

With the University of Innsbruck celebrating its 350th anniversary in 2019, we want to address these questions by taking a critical look back and by developing perspectives for the way forward. The symposium therefore addresses four thematic areas: barriers to access higher education, barriers and participation in higher education, the contributions of Disability Studies and inclusive education and, finally, alternative routes to participate in higher education. The program is available here: https://bit.ly/2WZNwun

To participate, please register by 1 May 2019: http://bit.ly/2FvyOGI

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