Schlagwort-Archive: Konferenz

IFO-Tagung 2017: System.Wandel.Entwicklung

31. Internationale Jahrestagung der Integrations-/Inklusionforscher/innen

Inklusion – bildungswissenschaftliche Denkfigur, pädagogisches Programm mit normativer Dimension und didaktisches Konzept – betrifft mehrere Ebenen der Gesellschaft. Die Akteurinnen und Akteure bewegen sich auf den diversen Ebenen nicht nur rollen- und biografiespezifisch, sondern auch mit unterschiedlichen normativen Zugängen.
Im Spannungsfeld von pädagogischer Profession, Institution und Person ergeben sich komplexe Fragestellungen bezüglich Umsetzung, Regelung und Steuerung inklusiver Systeme.


CfP International Interdisciplinary Symposium on “Families, Rights and Disability” University of Innsbruck, Austria 23–24 June 2017

On the basis of a longstanding cooperation between the University of Innsbruck and the University of New Orleans we are organizing another conference on the topic of disability. In 2017, the Symposium“Families, Rights and Disability”will take place supported by the Center Austria and the Center New Orleans. During this international, interdisciplinary symposium, we will discuss family research and the social understanding of disability, following the paradigm shift that took place with the ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

The family is often considered an anthropological constant. However, empirical research shows that the traditional nuclear family (mother, father, children) within Western societies is but one of many possible forms. Also, its trajectories, its intergenerational relations and the experiences of its members vary greatly with the social, cultural, political, and technological situations in which families find themselves. Weiterlesen

31. Internationale Jahrestagung der Inklusionsforscher/innen 22. – 25. Februar 2017

Thema: System.Wandel.Entwicklung
Akteurinnen und Akteure inklusiver Prozesse im Spannungsfeld

an der Pädagogische Hochschule Oberösterreich, Linz

Anbei ein Call for Paper für die IFO 2017 von 22. – 25. Februar 2017 in Linz. Sie können auf der Homepage ein Einzelpaper und/oder ein Symposium einreichen.

Sollten Sie einen Open Space moderieren wollen, ersuchen wir um direkt Kontaktaufnahme mit Frau Ascher (

Wir freuen auf Ihre Beiträge.

Ihr IFO 2017 Team

Ewald Feyerer, Jörg Mußmann, Wilfried Prammer, Eva Prammer-Semmler

Call for Paper

Materialien zur Fachtagung „10 Jahre Gleichstellung von Menschen mit Behinderung – 10 Jahre Behindertenanwaltschaft des Bundes“

Hier finden Sie eine Übersicht zur Fachtagung der Behindertenanwaltschaft anlässlich des 10-jährigen Bestehens des Bundes-Behindertengleichstellungsgesetzes und der Behindertenanwaltschaft in Österreich.

Call for abstracts for the research conference ‘Theorising Normalcy and the Mundane’ July 2016, Manchester

THE Annual International Conference, Theorising Normalcy and the Mundane, will be held at Manchester Metropolitan University July 2016 and organisers are calling for papers on (Re)claiming the human: In times of crisis.

Alongside Manchester Met, The Research Centre for Social Change: Community Wellbeing will host the conference and it will be run in association with other educational institutions including The University of Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University and The University of Chester.

The conference aims to bring together activists, students, practitioners and academics to consider the concept of the ‘human’ and collect papers that explore the following questions:

  • What does it mean to be human in times of crisis?
  • How can we work through the entangled connections of nature, society, technology, medicine and biopower that (un)make the human?
  • Are categorisations (e.g. disabled, vulnerable, hardest hit, scroungers, migrants) being used to define and defend, as well as to resist, ‘human’ ways of being?
  • Are categorisations (e.g. autism, ADHD, depression) being used (and abused) in the (de)construction of the human?
  • How might new conceptions of vulnerability, debility and frailty frame new disability commons?
  • In what ways are new austerity measures shaping narrower and limiting categorisations of the human?
  • What ways are there to explore this within and across wider communities?
  • What is the role of academia (learning, teaching and research)?


Abstracts of no more than 200 words (with an additional short bio of 100 words) should be submitted by 28th February, 2016. To submit an abstract, please email: Taken from


Conference: Inclusion, Participation and Human Rights in Disability Research Comparisons and Exchanges (July 2016)

5th Annual Conference: Inclusion, Participation and Human Rights in Disability Research Comparisons and Exchanges in Stockholm – Sweden, 30 June – 1 July 2016

The conference is organised in the context of the annual meeting of Alter – European Society for Disability Research. Its goal is to offer a European and international multidisciplinary view of disability research, across its whole spectrum, addressing sociohistorical and political dimensions as well as the subjective experiences of the actors concerned (disabled persons themselves and those close to them, professionals of the field and other social and political actors). Considering disability as a category of analysis is also likely to shed light on the modes of organisation of contemporary societies.


cfp Lancaster Disability Studies conference (Sept 2016)

Lancaster University’s Centre for Disability Research is delighted to announce our 8th Disability Studies conference will take place 6th-8th September 2016.

The conference has a rich history of bringing together international researchers, practitioners, policy makers and activists from around the world, to share and debate research, ideas and developments in disability studies.
Call for papers are now open, the deadline for submissions is 31st March 2016 and you can find out more here: Weiterlesen

CfP: Konferenz „Falling Out of Line. Music and the Exceptional“

Die Kunstuniversität Graz läd ein zur Konferenz Falling Out of Line. Music and the Exceptional, die von 4. bis 5. Dezember 2015 an der Kunstuniversität stattfinden wird. Die Ausschreibung läuft noch bis 15. August.

Anna Benedikt und Danielle Sofer

Disability Studies Conference in Lancaster 2014

The Lancaster disability studies conferences have brought together researchers, practitioners, policy makers and activists from around the world, to share and debate research, ideas and developments in disability studies.

The 2014 conference will take place from Tuesday 9th – Thursday 11th September 2014. The online booking system is now open.

Details are available on the booking information pages.

Disability Studies International Conference 2013

Der Link zu einer internationalen DS Konferenz mit breitem Themenansatz:

Disability Studies International Conference
‘The art of belonging’
October 31 – November 2, 2013
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
